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We utilize the resources of DNA Testing and other modern technologies to reconnect the African Diaspora with their Continental African families and cultures that were scattered as a result of the Transatlantic Trade.

Virtual African Ancestral naming ceremonies include educational processes that connect the registrants with the culture and traditions of the ethnic group. This is a sacred rite of passage.

This supports our efforts in recnnections. The Naming ceremonies are provided specifically by Chief Dr. Naja Chinyere Njoku Eri with the Eduzi Team.

We provide FREE online classes which contain useful tools on how to search for Africa born relatives using your Autosomal DNA Test results.

Many of us have found multiple Africa born relatives that also DNA Tested. We show you how we found them in our DNA match list.

You can help us so we can test more African ethnic groups. The Founder manages a database of African Autosomal DNA results as a result of coordinated testing in various African countries and Kingdoms. She personally DNA tested the entire Royal cabinet in Eri Kingdom. We reconnect you with those that we DNA tested for FREE. Contact US.

African Ancestral Services

We are not a dna testing company

We Provide Tools via Written, Audio and Video Aids to Teach Methods in Which to Search For Africa Born Relatives. You Must Take the Autosomal DNA Test on Your Own.

UmuAda, which means daughters of the soil, are a powerful force in Igbo society. They are a symbol of strength, unity, and resilience. They are the voice of the women children and needy of Igboland. Quite frankly, united Umuada women are a force to be reckoned

with. UmuAda have found Igbo ancestry / cousins born on the continent of Africa.

Delta Nu Alpha House, for those that wish to have that Black Greek Letter experience while reconnecting with their roots. UmuNwanne, means cousin. This is for DNA Tested African Descendants that have joined UmuAgu in an effort to reconnect with their ancestral roots while maintaining their Diaspora culture. Members learn about their ancestries, cultures and languages. UmuNwanne have found African ancestry / cousins born on the continent of Africa.

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UmuOkoro, which means “children of free born men”, is a vital part of Igbo society. UmuOkoro are expected to be brave, strong, and responsible. We are also expected to be respectful of elders and to uphold the traditions of our culture. Umuokoro have found Igbo ancestry / cousins born on the continent of Africa.

UmuAka, which means children, are the youth of UmuAda, UmuOkoro and UmuNwanne. Their parents or guardians are members of other adult houses. They lern about their ancestry cuture and langauges. Whhen they reach the age of 18, they are eligible to progress to one of the adult houses. This keeps the family unit together.

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expectations Applying to Join UmuAgu DNA Africa Society

UmuAgu DNA Africa Society is for DNA Tested African Descendants whose ancestors were horrifically scattered by the Transatlantic Trade and who are still being marginalized by Diaspora society as a result of enslavement.

Resting Leopard Illustration

Potential African Descendant candidates may apply for membership which is subject to approval. The candidate will be invited to a private platform for discussion and interview.


Proper inquiries must be ​conducted to ensure that this is ​the right society for the ​candidate and that the ​candidate is willing to abide by ​our society’s rules. If Approved, ​th​e journey begins.

Resting Leopard Illustration
CLick Below to Join us on patreon
we don t play about our rules of being kind and enjoying yourself

155 pages include:

A 2024 & 2025 calendar

DNA Results activities & quizzes, Igbo names & meanings, DNA Cousins/ genealogy research, Dear ancestors, African proverbs

Invisible artifact intro

& much more


121 pages include:

A 2024 calendar, DNA Results activities, DNA Cousins/ genealogy research, Dear ancestors, African proverbs,

Invisible artifact intro

& much more

Coming Soon !

My Ancestral Reconnections and Return Home activity Journal.

purchase your ancestry journal workbook



133 pages include:

A 2024 & 2025 calendar

Global DNA Results, activities & quizzes, DNA by region pages, DNA Cousins/ genealogy research, Dear ancestors

African proverbs, Invisible artifact intro & much more

urgent Advisory
Ambassador SHOWCASE

Click here to Register for a 2024 Virtual Naming Ceremony The Naming ceremonies are provided specifically by Chief Dr. Naja Chinyere Njoku Eri.